Monday, February 2, 2009

Sahel Academy

The first week of school students were able to eat lunch outside in between the cafeteria and the High School building.

This is the building where the teachers lounge and French room are found.

This is the cafeteria, aka auditorium, aka sanctuary, whatever you need it to be, that's what it is :)

This is the elementary building. My room can be found on the other side of the second and third doors :) It has been explained that the sidewalks are our outdoor "hallways" :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey...I was so excited to find your blog. How did it come to my attention...I have google searching for all things Sahel Academy for me...don't know how I did it the first time but it's been kind of handy. Anyway, I taught at Sahel two years and will be back next year so I'm excited to have the chance to meet you and get to teach with you too. I trust your transition into life in Niger and at Sahel is going well! :)